A Bible Verse About Trouble (John 16:33)

Bible Verse About Trouble (John 16:33)

A Bible verse about trouble:

(Jesus Said,) “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

The past three weeks have been exceptionally challenging for me. This time of year is hard enough as it is the anniversary of both my father and Koda’s passing.

This year was made more difficult because we received over 30” of snow within two days. As of now, we’re within an inch of the snowiest December of record.

I typically spend around 30 hours every winter in the tractor moving snow.

This month alone I have logged over 50 hours.

It took me over six days to clear our driveway from that snowstorm. Literally, as I was finishing, the snow started coming down for another storm.

This storm was also accompanied by 50 MPH winds. It was night when I finished, so I put the tractor away.

The next day I was able to keep up with the snow and wind; it wasn’t snowing as much as they expected, but the wind was causing problems drifting across our driveway.

I had to work the day after, so I set my alarm for 3:30 in the morning to clear it one more time before I went to work.

Unfortunately, I slept through my alarm (more likely, I shut it off). When I did wake up, I only had 30 minutes until I had to leave for work.

Normally, I get ready for work at home. Not on that day, however, as I had no time. I had kept the tractor plugged in overnight to make sure that it would fire up when I needed it.

As I walked out the door, I figured I had 30 minutes to just make the driveway passable to get my truck out.

I started my truck so it could warm up while I cleared the driveway, and then I went to start the tractor.

It wouldn’t start.

I later found out that the block heater had become disconnected, so it wasn’t heating it like it was supposed to. At the time, I just knew I didn’t have time to mess with it, so I decided to try and make it through with my truck.

I made it a third of the way and I saw a rather large drift in front of me. It spanned the driveway completely but luckily, was only around 6 inches deep.

I keep a shovel in my truck during the winter, so I figured that I would just shovel a path through this drift and be on my way. Unfortunately, because it was so cold, the drift was like shoveling concrete.

After ten minutes of shoveling I was able to get my truck through, but I was frozen. I proceeded another twenty feet, and then I found an even bigger drift.

I should have shoveled it, but I was cold. Frozen, to be exact. I should have called someone to come pick me up. Actually, I should have made sure I woke up for my alarm originally.

Instead, I decided to just send it.

I put my truck in 4×4, hit that drift, and it threw me directly into the ditch.

The tractor hadn’t started, so I knew I couldn’t go get it to pull me out. Plus, I didn’t want to walk back to the house to get it.

The wind was unbearable; I think it was like -30 wind chill. I didn’t want to be outside any more than I had to. 

Even as I sat there, pondering my predicament, the truck was slowly becoming buried. The wind continued to deposit snow that would become my demise.

A few weeks prior, I had just gotten new tires put on my truck. I figured that now was a good time to see what they were made of.

I did the typical forward/reverse routine. To my amazement, I was able to get out. I did have to get out and shovel more, but I made it.

I thanked God as I pulled out of the driveway and proceeded on my way to work. It was a holiday, so we were able to bring our vehicles inside.

Since it was so cold, I wanted to bring my truck in so it would start in the morning. As I went to back it in, nothing happened. Some of the guys came and gave me a push and I was able to pull in forward.

Let me spare you all the agonizing details. Within a few short days I would find out that I had completely burnt up reverse on my transmission, and I needed to have my transmission replaced.

To the tune of $5,300.

I’m still cleaning up from the storms. Just today, I spent 6 hours in the tractor pushing back the snow banks, and that only got me 1/4 of the way.

This winter has been exceptionally hard. I have broken more than I can recall ever breaking before.

As you can imagine, I spent several days feeling bad for myself. I mean, our dreams keep getting further and further away. Instead of working towards them, I’m constantly having to repair things I’ve already built or fixed.

And then it dawned on me. I enjoy fixing things.

I was reading a book from Joel Osteen, and I started laughing when I realized it.

The trouble that we face in life is directed towards us so that we can achieve our purpose. We need this struggle in order to grow into the people we need to become.

For me, I want to be skilled at repairing things.  So is it any wonder that God gives me ample opportunity to practice? Now, I’d rather that He sends me paying customers so I can fix their equipment, but I’m sure that He knows better.

At the end of the day, I live in northern Minnesota. I should expect a lot of snow and not get crabby when it comes.

My truck is old, and I’m lucky that I made it this far without a major repair. Yes, it’s expensive to fix, and I’d rather not have to do it. But the damage has been done, so there’s no point in complaining about it further.

As for my dreams? They’re still well and good. I just have more faith and less money.

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