A Bible Verse About Trusting God (Proverbs 3:5-6)

A Bible Verse About Helping Others (Galatians 6:2)

A Bible verse about trusting God: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

This verse pairs along with with the last post I did on scripture.  In that one we were talking about hopeIt’s fascinating to me to kind of objectively take a step back and identify the literal tools used by the ancient authors of the Bible.   The text used specifically elicits the emotions within us that we don’t even know we’re feeling until we’ve read them.

To that end, if we read the previous passage about having hope, then it’s much easier to accept that we need to trust God when we come to this passage.  However, because the Bible is not linear, it could be months or years before we read this new passage.  It’s much simpler to take each book of the Bible as an individual story instead of a chapter.  That way, you can see how the stories are inter-related.

So, if I were to read the previous verse on hope, perhaps I can retain the point of its message until I’ve read this passage.  That’s the intent, but because the passages do not occur sequentially, it makes things more difficult.  

Furthermore, it becomes even more obvious when you’ve re-read the context.  Look no further than the last post about hope.  In it, I mentioned that I was glad that God has a plan, and that His plan is better than mine.  However, I don’t know the plan so it’s left to me to hope my plan aligns with His.  

That said, had I simply read this verse first, it could have all made sense to me sooner.

It doesn’t matter that I don’t understand or see the plan.  I doesn’t matter if I can even see the path.  With trust, God will make the path straight.  For me, that’s super frustrating.  I say that I do trust God, but it’s always easier to trust when there’s some tangible proof.  Like, if there was a giant sign that pointed me in the right direction.

But that defeats the purpose of trust.  Trust is to another what hope is to an idea.  The two are inter-related and connected.  If you trust God to set your path straight then you’re more likely to be hopeful of the future.  Conversely, if you are hopeful then you are trusting God to provide what He said He would, even if you don’t know the plan.

WIth enlightened trust and hope, life should be much easier right?  Probably not, but the irony is that with enlightened trust and hope you’re able to readily see what you don’t have and are still able to trust and have hope in spite of it.  In a sense, the more trust and hope that you have the less you even need what you’re hoping and trusting for.

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