A Bible Verse About Vision (Habakkuk 2:2-3)

A Bible Verse About Vision

A Bible verse about vision:

“Then the Lord replied: ‘Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:2-3

Admittedly, this was another verse that I didn’t think much of the first few times that I read it. Again, I have Steve Harvey to thank for presenting this verse in a light that I could understand.  

The concept of a vision is closely related to the idea of dreams. Mr. Harvey presents this passage as evidence to support the idea of writing down our dreams in order for them to become reality.

While this can take the form of literal words, a better option is to use illustrations or photos to visibly capture the representation of our dreams. This is generally referred to as a vision board.

Essentially, by referring to our vision board several times a day, the images that represent our dreams become so engrained in our subconscious that our subconscious works towards achieving them.

That’s the secret that a lot of successful people have employed. Oprah, for one, is a huge proponent of vision boards.

This theory is also supported, in different terms, from many famous authors throughout history.

Two of my favorites, Norman Vincent Peale and Napoleon Harris, mention the concept of our subconscious working towards achieving our dreams. A lot of their books discuss this concept, but I’d recommend starting with You Can if You Think You Can and Think and Grow Rich.  

I’m currently reading Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen, and he echoes these sentiments.

So that’s five highly successful people that I just quickly mentioned who support the idea of vision boards. But I didn’t make the connection to Biblical evidence until I heard Mr. Harvey speak about it. Really, you should watch his message because it’s pretty powerful.

My vision board is comprised of images of things that represent the dreams that I have for my best life. 

  • *a photo that represents trusting God
  • *an image that represents more quality family time
  • *a photo of the truck that I want to own
  • *a photo of the tractor that I want to buy
  • *a photo that represents our dream home
  • *a photo that represents a happy and healthy marriage
  • *a photo that represents me being a good and loving father
  • *an image that represents us achieving financial independence
  • *an image that represents me being a successful author
  • *an image that represents my ability to increase our donations
  • *a photo that represents a growing passive income
  • *various inspirational Bible verses

Sure, some of these are material things.  That doesn’t make me a greedy person; those things are part of my dream.  God gave me this dream because He wants me to achieve it.  He wants me to have the things that I desire.

By incorporating them into my vision board, it allows me to subject my subconsciousness to working towards achieving the things on the board.  Essentially, I can double my efforts, even when my consciousness is not working.

I believe that through faith and worship, God is pleased when we achieve our dreams.

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