My mom asked me the other day if I could fix her Macbook Pro. She said that the track pad was no longer working. It turns out that the battery had gone bad and swelled to the point where the track pad was sticking out of the shell.
(more…)This Nikon L20 had severe corrosion damage. It’s a good example of why you should remove alkaline batteries from your electronics if they’re not going to be used for awhile.
(more…)Awhile back I bought 37 point and shoot cameras to fix and flip on eBay. Of the 37, 16 worked without issue. This Nikon Coolpix S4000 had a lens error. Let’s see if we can fix it!
(more…)I like fixing cameras. Well, I like fixing a lot of things, but I especially enjoy repairing cameras. There’s something so uniquely rewarding about taking something that is discarded and repairing it to working condition. The patient in this case is an Olympus FE-230 with a bad lcd screen.
(more…)Recently I started an eBay reselling business. In coordination with that business, I started a second Youtube channel to document our wins, losses, and lessons learned. I’m primarily focusing on reselling vintage electronic equipment, so it’s vital that I learn as much as I can about the operation of said equipment. Let’s dive in to diagnosing this vintage 35mm film camera.
(more…)Yesterday’s video was a lot of fun as I began the process to learn and understand the procedures for effectively using an Arduino. Today’s project wasn’t necessarily as productive. (more…)