Day 14 was a day that I had been anxiously dreading ever since the commencement of our build.  I knew the importance of this ceiling beam; I knew how vital it was to our entire structure.  I also knew how heavy it was: about 350 pounds.

Now maybe that doesn’t sound too heavy, but trying to place that 16 feet off the ground sounded like a recipe for disaster.  I had spent weeks planning for raising this beam.  Historically, many timbers have been raised that have weighed several thousand pounds, so I knew that it was possible.  However, these historic raising generally had many, many people to help.  I was fairly certain that I would not have that luxury.

To be fair, I could have gotten hands on site.  All I had to do was ask.  However, as is my nature, I did not ask for help.  Help was offered to me, and it made the difference in getting this beam raised efficiently and safely.

Around this same time, one of my coworkers was also building a home with her husband.  It turns out that one of their contractors owned an articulating boom truck.  She very generously offered his services in raising our beam.  I accepted.

On Day 14, with the aid of my coworker, her husband, and the boom truck it took all of 8 minutes to set the beam in place.  An event that I had been worried about was over so quickly that I didn’t even have time to comprehend the magnitude of what had occurred.  All there was left to do was marvel over its completion.

I wanted this day to remind me that it is ok to ask for help.  Were it not for their generosity, I would probably still be “figuring” out a way to get it up there.  For that, I am thankful.

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