8×20 Tiny House Plans: “The Talmadge”

Hey guys!  This winter has been pretty brutal for us; not when you compare it to the winters of the past, but still.  Whether it’s been the below zero cold, or the (moderate) amount of snow, or fixing vehicles outside with no garage, or moving Dad’s tools and possessions to our house – really the list goes on. To sum up my point, I haven’t had a chance to build or film any woodworking projects this winter.  And that’s really bummed me out.

One thing that I thought would be fun to keep some content (and my skills) fresh would be to start designing and creating more building plans.  That’s a simple task for me to do when I’m not able or motivated to get working outside in the cold.  I really had a lot of fun creating our house plans, and since we have many more outbuildings to design I wanted to keep my skills honed.

So, here I have created a simple shed roof, 8×20 tiny house that I’m calling “The Talmadge.”  It features a 16′ loft with a built in, functional stair case.  This set of plans is 58 pages, and includes a multitude of images which feature the components and framing members as well as their dimensions.  I really tried to build this set of plans with a novice carpenter in mind, and I feel like if you look at these plans like a set of LEGO blueprints, just about anyone could put it together.

These plans do not include electrical or plumbing schematics, as that is up to the end user based on their particular needs.  Furthermore, this set of plans was designed to be built upon a trailer to create a mobile tiny house – hence the overall height.  The height allows for a trailer deck of up to 2’5″, but make sure to check your local restrictions.  As individual trailers vary, the plans do not include subfloor framing or decking as that is also determined by the shape and individual characteristics of your particular trailer.  This set of plans includes framing and sheathing; windows and siding, or any other finish included is a mere rendering of possibilities – actual finish choices are up to the end user.

*Update: I have decided to discontinue sales of our plans.  I hope to relist them in the future when the time is appropriate.

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