Someone very important to us is in need of prayer. Without getting into too much detail and sharing private information, let’s just say that I was compelled to write about this issue and share some of my experiences with prayer in general. I had this all planned out to do in person, but arctic weather had other plans. Fair warning, this will be a long post.


Calendula makes a wonderful option for an herbal salve. It’s medicinal properties include anti-inflammatory and antiseptic characteristics. It has been used for ages to help treat skin conditions including: rashes, bug bites, itching, sunburn, blisters and skin infections. In this post, we’re gonna make some herbal calendula salves.


Time management is the bane of my existence. For all of my ambition, it always seems to come down to my bi-polar propensity to either obsess about or neglect various facets of my personal and professional life. Let’s talk about it. Fair warning, this post may end up being lengthy.


Normally this time of year I like to sit down and reflect upon the past year. Along with assessing my personal growth, I like to review some of the goals I had set for myself and compare what I had achieved to what I had not. So let’s do that.


Spring is upon us!  At least, if you look at the calendar it says that it is.  Where we are, the weather can fluctuate greatly this time of year.  Last week it was in the 70’s; this week was in the 40’s.  Next week it’s supposed to be in the 70’s again – but at least the snow is gone.  It’s time to get started planting our garden. (more…)

Hey guys!  This winter has been pretty brutal for us; not when you compare it to the winters of the past, but still.  Whether it’s been the below zero cold, or the (moderate) amount of snow, or fixing vehicles outside with no garage, or moving Dad’s tools and possessions to our house – really the list goes on. To sum up my point, I haven’t had a chance to build or film any woodworking projects this winter.  And that’s really bummed me out. (more…)