biblical proof animals do go to heaven

The first thing I googled after Koda passed was, “Do animals go to Heaven?” Even though I believed that to be the case, I needed comfort. I needed solace. I needed proof to strengthen my belief. It didn’t come as easily as I thought.

The first page search for “Do animals go to Heaven?” is littered with “experts” claiming that animals do NOT go to Heaven. The two main reasons given are: animals cannot go to Heaven because they have no soul, and animals do not have the capacity to repent – two requirements to go to Heaven. I was mortified.

Here we had just lost our baby girl (you can read more about that here), and now I was facing the possibility that I would not see her again in the afterlife. That was a reality I could not cope with.

I reached out to my Uncle who is an Elder of our Ojibwe tribe and a devout Christian. I cherish his insight and wisdom, and he shared with me his beliefs. It was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment.

While he encouraged me that yes, animals do go to Heaven, he also recommended a few books for me to read. Specifically, Biblical Proof Animals Do Go to Heaven. This book was incredible.

If you or someone you know is struggling with the loss of a beloved pet, I would HIGHLY encourage you to pick up a copy by clicking this link.

The author explained several passages of the bible explaining that God created, and breathed life into all creation – therefore imbuing all creation with Spirit and Soul. That solves the first criteria.

Furthermore, the author shared passages of the bible that explain how God created animals before mankind. Unlike mankind, animals revolve around instinct and not free will. Therefore, they are incapable of sin and have no need to repent. That solves the second requirement.

It obviously goes into further depth, but that’s a general overview. I also found the author’s personal experiences to be uplifting and encouraging.

I read this book in one day as it is an easy, comforting read. Again, reading Biblical Proof Animals Do Go to Heaven really helped encourage me in a time of crisis. This book, when paired with reading the bible, has really offered me a profound understanding.

I have a better insight and a new, positive perspective on our loss and the life that we STILL share with Koda. I would encourage you all to give it a read.

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