How to Clean Your Riding Lawn Mower

How to Start Riding Lawn Mower After Winter

It’s important to learn how to clean your riding lawn mower.  Being diligent about cleaning your machine can add to the longevity.  On the flip side, being negligent in this aspect can quickly ruin a machine.  Because this is such an important process, make sure to do it frequently.

Why Should you Learn How to Clean Your Riding Lawn Mower

Obviously when you cut the grass your machine gets dirty.  That’s just the parts that you can see.  What’s more difficult to see is the underside of the deck.  Depending on how wet the grass was has a big impact on the state the deck will be in.

A quick tip to add to the life of your machine is to try and avoid cutting the grass if it’s wet.  This isn’t always possible.  On the days when the grass is even slightly damp, spend a little extra time cleaning your machine.

The wetter the grass is, the more it will clump and stick to the bottom of the deck.  This can increase wear and tear on your machine as it adds to the workload.

So you go ahead and cut the grass and then you put the machine away.  You’d think that as that grass dries out it will just fall off the bottom of the machine.  However, that’s not the case.

The grass will remained clumped together and compost, or rot in place on the underside of the deck.  

Since the moisture is trapped, it will quickly rust out the underside of the deck.  This can happen over one off-season if you neglect washing your machine before putting it away for the winter.

This reason alone is worth taking the extra time to clean your machine diligently, but what’s the best way to go about doing so?

Tools Needed (Commissions Earned)

How to Clean Your Riding Lawn Mower

This depends on the condition it’s in.  I like to use a pressure washer as the added pressure helps to blast off the stubborn bits that are stuck to the machine.  

If you have adequate pressure from your garden hose, go ahead and use that.  If you’d like, wash it down with some soapy water or degreaser and give it a rinse.  You’ll find that the more frequently you wash it, the less work it becomes.

Instead of doing a full wash with soap, I simply power wash it after every time I cut the grass.  That keeps it just as clean as if I were to thoroughly wash it with soap and water once or twice a season.

The most challenging part about washing a riding lawn mower is trying to get to the underside of the mowing deck.

In order to do so, you have to lift the lawn mower and there are a few different options:

  • Drive it up on some ramps
  • Use a riding lawn mower lift
  • Use a chain hoist or other equipment

I find that ramps don’t quite get the machine up high enough for a thorough washing.  Lawn mower lifts work well and I do use them sometimes.

My favorite method for lifting a riding lawn mower is to use my tractor loader to lift it from the front.  This is mostly because I have the luxury of another machine.  Before I had the tractor, I also used a chain hoist to lift riding lawn mowers.  That worked really well, but it’s a bit slower.

Using the loader or the chain hoist allows the machine to be lifted almost vertically so there’s plenty of room to clean underside the deck (and grease those hard to reach fittings while you’re at it).

Safety Considerations While Cleaning Your Riding Lawn Mower

Regardless of what method you use to clean your riding lawn mower, be sure to follow all manufacturer’s safety instructions.

These machines weigh in excess of several hundred pounds, and you don’t want that coming down on you.  So be safe and use your head when lifting them.

Aside from that, make sure to use a wider pattern on the pressure washer.  Too narrow can sometimes do damage or peel paint if the pressure is too high.  Additionally, damage can occur to electrical components.

Even though I do pressure wash the entire engine, I make sure to do light passes over any electrical connections or plugs.  

Also, make sure that the engine is sealed.  It’s not going to run if you get water into the engine, so make sure any openings are sealed.

If you have removed any parts for some reason, be sure to plug any openings into the engine.


Washing a riding lawn mower is just another one of those important maintenance aspects.  It comes with owning the machine and being a responsible owner.  Unless you enjoy purchasing a several thousand dollar machine every other year, take good care of it.  Bust out that pressure washer and clean it frequently.  

As an added bonus, having a cleaner machine makes it easier to spot leaks faster.

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