So I finally completed the first set of building plans, and I’m pretty excited about it.  Seeing as though it’s the wintery months right now, I have plenty of time to contemplate how we’re going to situate our homestead, and the outbuildings that we’ll construct.  After the cabin is up and we put in a big fenced yard for the dogs to play in, the first order of business will be to construct a shed for storing firewood.  Our principal heat will be propane, but we’re also going to have a wood stove in the cabin.   (more…)

building a desk

Building a desk was high on my priority list this year. I wanted a dedicated work space for editing videos and writing my posts. While it’s convenient to have a laptop for working in different places, it’s also unproductive in the sense that you can’t get used to working in a dedicated space. By building a desk, I hoped to resolve that. It took a little longer than I thought it would, but we finished it.


Or, the shed – depending on your perspective. After a few months of work I’ve gotten the shed now to the point where I can officially transition to calling it the workshop. Let’s start making some projects.