Two Remarkable Dreams Told Me it Was Time

Chasing Dandelions

The day has come. THE DAY. After three years of work, I have finally published Koda’s Story.

The truth is that it has been ready for a few months now. I had submitted the manuscript to a publisher to see if there was any interest in traditional publishing.

With that submission, I was told that if I didn’t hear a response within 90 days, that means that they weren’t interested.

That date was scheduled for February 10th, 2023.

So What Changed?

Last night, I dreamt.

I had two dreams, specifically.

I don’t remember the order of the dreams, but they went something like this:

In the first dream (I’ll call it the first, since I don’t remember the order), I dreamt that I was with Koda.

It wasn’t happy, and it wasn’t sad. It just was. We were together, and everything was normal. It wasn’t as if we were catching up, and there certainly wasn’t any feeling as if we were being reunited.

It was as if we had been, and always were, together. It just felt normal.

In the second dream, I was enjoying the fruits of my labor. I was a successful author and receiving royalties from Amazon’s KDP on the books I had published.

I remember receiving a royalty check for $3,500.

I Can’t Ignore These Dreams

It’s too coincidental. Steve Harvey says that dreams are given to us by God as a preview of what’s to come in our life.

I’m taking a chance here. I’m trusting God.

The book could be a flop. Maybe no one will ever read it. Maybe it will receive negative reviews.

On the other side, perhaps it COULD be a bestseller. Maybe it will change the course of our lives. And once again, I’ll have God and Koda to thank for pushing me to get this done.

If you are at all interested in reading Koda’s Story, here is a link to purchase her book.

I completely understand if it’s not your cup of tea. Moreover, please don’t feel obligated to purchase it. While I do appreciate the support, I only want you to purchase it if it’s something that will benefit you.

To that end, please consider sharing this post, and Koda’s book, with anyone that you think it might be of service to.

With that, thank you, and enjoy reading Koda’s Story, which I have aptly titled Chasing Dandelions: Love, Grief, and the Commandments of Jesus.

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