Repairing small engines is a topic I am very interested in. This post is a quick review of one of my go-to resources as I am just beginning to learn about repairing small engines.
The day has come. THE DAY. After three years of work, I have finally published Koda’s Story.
“So be glad – yes, actually glad that you have problems. Be grateful for them as implying that God has confidence in your ability to handle these problems with which He has ENTRUSTED you. Adopt this attitude toward problems, and it will tend to siphon off the depression you may have developed from a negative reaction toward them.” – Norman Vincent Peale.
Stash is another of my favorite investment brokerages. Last week, we talked about M1 Finance and the benefits of their platform. Even though I wholly endorse M1 Finance and use that brokerage, I also use Stash. In fact, I have accounts through several platforms. Sometimes, they’re just to try out the platform to see what options are available or to benefit from signup bonuses. That’s really why I got started with Stash – the signup bonus. Stash will give you $5 of free stock just for signing up for an account and depositing $5. Or, you can use this link and get $20 of free stock after your initial deposit.
I mentioned in a previous post that I have several different investment accounts spread across different brokerages. I have tried even more that I no longer use. A few years back, I opened up an M1 Finance account and I absolutely love it now. I highly encourage you to try it out, if only to get $50 for free.
Free money – it’s the dream, right? Ever hear the phrase “There’s no such thing as a free lunch?” I’m here to refute that 100%. Thanks to Coinbase, I’ve had multiple, proverbial free lunches.